what is depression?

Depression is the most and dangerous illness and treatable . If u have a depression  than u are not alone. Depression symptoms can happened on any age..mostly the teen age it’s begin or early age.

symptoms of depression:

  • Feeling hopeless.
    Feeling sad or anxious.
    Low  interest.
    Feeling helpless.
    Low concentration.
    Oversleeping or lake of sleeping
  • Decrease energy
  • Weight changes.
  •  Restless.

Depression symptoms may occur with serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure. Doctor experienced in treating these major depressive disorder with the help of work out . Depression affects people in different ways. Some people experience few symptoms . Some have worst .

Men often experienced depression diffrently than women. Women with depression to have feeling of sadness,worthlessness and guilt, but men are more likely to have feelings of tired, lost interest  of joyful activities and lake of sleep.

Depression is treated with medicine and talk therapy…

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